Company Info

Full Legal Name in Chinese欧洲杯在线买球_欧洲杯让球平台-【官网直营】@
Short Legal Name in Chinese上海电气
Full Legal Name in EnglishShanghai Electric Group Company Limited
Short Legal Name in EnglishShanghai Electric

Contact Info
Title Board Secretary
Name Zhou Zhiyan
Address No.110 Middle Sichuan Road,        Shanghai
Tel. (8621)33261888
Fax (8621)34695780
Basic Info
Registered Address 30F, Maxdo Center, No. 8 Xingyi Road,     Shanghai
Zip Code 200336
Business Address No.110 Middle Sichuan Road, Shanghai
Zip Code 200002
Company's Website
Information Disclosure and Preparation
Name of the selected newspapers for information disclosure

China Securities Journal

Shanghai Securities News

Securities Times

Website designated by the China Securities Regulatory Commission for publishing semi-annual and annual reports
Company reports prepared at: Board Secretary's Office
Profile of Company Stock (A Shares)
Stock Type A Shares
Trade on Shanghai Stock Exchange
Stock Short Name Shanghai Electric
Stock Code 601727
Profile of Company Stock (H shares)
Stock Type H Shares
Trade on Stock Exchange of Hong Kong
Stock Short Name Shanghai Electric
Stock Code 02727
Other Info
Initial Registration Date Mar. 1, 2004
Initial Registration Place Shanghai, China
Accounting Firm in China PricewaterhouseCoopers Zhong Tian LLP
Accounting Firm outside China PricewaterhouseCoopers Limited
Law Firm in Mainland China Grandall Law Firm (Shanghai)
Law Firm in Hong Kong Clifford Chance
Share Registrar and Transfer Office

A shares: Shanghai Branch of the China Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd.

H shares: Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited