Xi Juntong

2019/05/30 17:27  EN_欧洲杯在线买球_欧洲杯让球平台-【官网直营】@    417    收藏

Mr. Xi is a professor of Mechanical Manufacture and Automation and at the State Key Laboratory of Mechanical System and Vibration and a doctoral supervisor of Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He serves as an Independent Non-Executive Director of the Company, the Executive Deputy Director of Shanghai Intelligent Manufacturing Institute and Head of Shanghai Key Laboratory of Network-based Manufacturing and Enterprise Informatization. Mr. Xi is primarily engaged in the research of digital manufacturing and intelligent manufacturing technologies. He was honored with 6 awards including the second prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award and the scientific and technological progress and technological invention awards of Shanghai. His major concurrent academic posts mainly include Deputy Director of Special Committee of Manufacturing Automation of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society, a member of Special Committee of Additive Manufacturing of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society, an executive member of China Intelligent Manufacturing Industry Innovation Alliance, Vice President of Shanghai Mechanical Engineering Society, and Secretary General of Shanghai Intelligent Manufacturing Industry Innovation Alliance.

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